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GPPMM work on HC-PCF makes the cover of the LaserFocusWorld magazine

GPPMM seminal work on Inhibited Coupling guiding hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (IC HC-PCF) is highlighted in the cover of September issue of the international magazine LaserFocusWorld*. The results of this work are summarised in a 5-pages scientific report that recounts the salient properties of the IC guidance mechanism, the sequence of the major achievements in hypocycloid (i.e. negative curvature) core Kagome HC-PCFs that led to several world-record transmission performances, and its application in high power ultra-fast lasers. In the editor letter it is stated that these results will "make the next generation of high-power, ultrafast fiber lasers" through the start-up GLOphotonics.


*Laser Focus World is a monthly magazine published by PennWell Corporation covering laser, photonics and optoelectronics technologies, applications, and markets.