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Xlim : Institut de recherche

EuMW 2015 Poster videos

The European Microwave Association (EuMA), organizer of the European Microwave Week (EuMW), launched a video journal! See the video of Said Farah, PhD at XLIM!

Student Design Competition - EuMW 2015

One team from XLIM laboratory have participated to this challenge… Please watch the video!

Student Challenge - EuMW 2015

Anil Kamma, postdoctoral student from XLIM laboratory has participated to this event… Please watch the video!

2015 EuMA: Outstanding Career Award

Jacques Sombrin, holder of the « Integrated and Secure Systems » chair of the laboratory of excellence ∑- LIM, received the 2015 EuMA Outstanding Career Award during EuMW2015 week.

Student Prize

During EuRAD conference organized in the EuMW2015 week, Thomas Fromenteze, PhD student, received the award EuRAD Young Engineer

Prizes for Bio-Epix : BioEM and ECBO 2015 !

Two PhD students from the Bio-EPIX group at XLIM (led by Dr. Rodney O’Connor, Labex SigmaLim Bioengineering Chair) have received awards at the BioEM and ECBO 2015 conferences.

Laser for transmitting secret information !

At the XLIM Institute we have designed and assembled a fiber laser of 50 km with the aim of exchanging information in a secure way.

World’s first polychrome organic solar module

XLIM and DISASOLAR (French SME) have successfully demonstrated the world’s first polychrome photovoltaic module...

The BioEPIX group soon at Janelia Research Campus !

Studying the influence of nanosecond pulsed electric fields on cytoskeletal and mitochondrial networks in human glioblastoma cells with live-cell 3D structured Illumination microscopy

The BioEPIX group of the XLIM Research Institute has been selected for the visiting scientist programme at the renowned Janelia Research Campus of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Ashburn, Virginia.


EXPERTISE: Electronics and Microwaves, Optics and Photonics, CAD, Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Image Processing
APPLICATION FIELDS: Telecommunications Networks, Aerospace, Bioengineering, Smart Materials and Energy,
